MK Einrichtung

Delivery and payment

dostawa_ico.svg?1507030355 Delivery time

  • All products are available on request. Send us your inquiry and we will be happy to prepare an individual offer for you.

kurier_gls_ico.svg Costs and terms of delivery

  • The transport costs depend on the size of the shipment. 
  • The transport costs will be calculated and added with the order confirmation, depending on the size of the courier package.
We work with the DPD parcel service so that you can be sure that your order will arrive on time. As soon as your package is ready for dispatch, you will receive an email from us with the package number. If you want to check where your package is, visit and enter your package number. Please let us know if you have any difficulties.
  • Do you want us to ship your order abroad? Write to us and we will estimate the delivery costs and prepare the shipment (e-mail:, mobile: +49 1621633174).

logo1 Payment methods

The basic methods of payment are cash on delivery and transfer.

Public institutions:

  • Transfer 14 days

Other clients:

  • Transfer 0 days

logo3 Data for transfers

You will receive the data for the transfer with the order confirmation from a partner in your region.